
Gaeta 1 map

Gaeta 1 has its own waterways. They complete the Gaeta 1 Road Network and back for a continental transport network. Waterways can be divided into two major groups: coastal waterways and canals. As Gaeta 1 is unfinished, it cannot be circumnavigated. Also, as the tiny continent is not connected through Transcontinental Channels, sailors have to limit their voyages to the continent itself.

Coastal Waterway[]

Gaeta 1 has coastal waterways along its West and North shores. With a single exception at Gonville sim corner, coastal waterways are at least one sim wide. Water is very shallow close to the shores and gets deep enough at some distance.

There are two rezz zones along the coast, located where the Sandy Beach Trail reaches the shores. From there, one can try to sail along the coastline. There are a few places with deep water in North-West. The coastal waterways host only a single island, located in Blinter sim, which, many sailors have described as the land at the end of the world. The island itself has a tiny rezz zone.


Gaeta 1 has two canals in North, connected to the coastal waterway, part of the Wedge Road (see Gaeta 1 Road Network for details) and a canal through Tessentor sim, as part of the Sandy Beach Trail.

Wedge Road. The road, actually a virgin trail, crosses through the Northern part of the continent. In some places, residents have linked prims to the road, trying to transform it into a modern transport route. The road ends in Wedge and Morgan sims, where it is continued with narrow and straight canals, reaching the coastal waterways. The canals usually end with a rezz zone and have shallow water. They are not designed for large ships.

Tessentor Canal. The Sandy Beach Trail is divided into two sectors by a large swamp, covering Tessentor sim. There is no bridge connecting the two sides, only a navigable canal, that is deep to allow boats to pass. The canal is not connected to the coastal waterways through protected land. It has two rezz zones, one at each end.


Sailing in Gaeta 1 is possible, but happens very rare. These waters are perhaps some of the most calm places for sailing on the grid. They are also opened for automated transportation. Automated vehicles can be found sailing often.

See Also[]
